Description: Discover the enchanting world of the "Heye Wildlife 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle" by the acclaimed artist Guillermo Mordillo. This exquisite puzzle features a playful and humorous theme, bringing to life a vibrant tapestry of wildlife in stunning colors and intricate designs that will engage and delight puzzle enthusiasts aged 11 and above. With 1000 meticulously crafted pieces, each designed for a perfect fit, you will enjoy a fulfilling puzzle-solving experience. Once completed, the puzzle measures an impressive 22" x 22", making it an excellent display piece that showcases the whimsical artistry of Mordillo. Released in 2017, this puzzle not only promises hours of entertainment but also offers a meditative challenge that allows you to unleash your creativity. Immerse yourself in the fascinating realm of animals and experience the joy of piecing together this unique artwork. Whether you are a seasoned puzzler or seeking an enjoyable activity to share with family and friends, the "Heye Wildlife" puzzle is a standout choice that guarantees both fun and fulfillment. Ideal for gifting or personal enjoyment, embark on a journey of wit and strategy with this captivating jigsaw puzzle. Please note that the product image is for illustrative purposes only, and actual product may vary. Photo: